Tuesday 8 January 2019

3 Ways I'm Tackling The New Year Lull

I actually find January a calming time of the year; a fresh start after a rather hectic twelve months and a time when I haven't got endless Christmas parties and events to attend. Saying this, my 2018 hasn't got off to the best start as I've been battling the flu and a chesty cough since the New Year and I'm yet to shake it off. I wanted to share with you a handful of different things I want to do to get my month back on track and start to feel like myself again. 

Find A Routine | I never knew what day it was over the festive period and I struggled pretty much up to the weekend too - Is it a Sunday or is a Tuesday? Who knows! When I'm out of routine, my sleep suffers and so does my motivation, meaning I can end up not doing a lot of work and rather wasting my days. I want to give myself a little routine for the rest of the month or at least until we go away, just to ensure that I wake up at a similar time everyday, exercise a few times a week and get back my usual habits of simple things like ordering the weekly shop online. 

Not Being Too Hard On Myself | I think it's easy to expect so much of January and if you're anything like me, the thought of having to be uber-productive after the Christmas break will bring you out in a cold sweat. I like to ease myself back in gently, not having to tackle my whole email inbox in one sitting and maybe giving myself a break or two during the day - starting the year as I mean to go on and all that.  

Start Exercising Again | I find getting outside, getting some fresh air and spinning my legs for a couple of hours a few times a week really is a great way for me to feel better. After a two week hiatus from running, cycling and exercise classes, I think my lungs are getting better now and after testing this statement out for two hours on Sunday, I'm very happy to be back in the saddle (quite literally). I know it's a simple statement to make come January and is nothing groundbreaking, but it's a nice reminder for me. 

Other ways I'm tackling the January lull: 

- Find my love for reading again. Picking a book I can't put down!
- Binge watching my favourite TV series. 
- Starting a fresh notebook - nothing feels better. 
- Finding new homeware to refresh my living space. 
- Organising my monthly diaries briefly, so nothing feels too overwhelming. 

What ways do you like to tackle the January blues? 

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