Friday 28 February 2020

Insta Story Hacks - The Best Typography and Designs

Insta Story Hacks - The Best Typography and Designs
Insta Story Hacks - The Best Typography and Designs
Insta Story Hacks - The Best Typography and Designs
After the success of my previous Instagram story hacks post all about filters and GIFs, I thought it was time that I added to this series.  As I mentioned before I've been trying to improve my Insta stories (follow pintsizedphoto to never miss one!) over the last few months, I thought it was about time I shared my favourite typography hacks and how little design additions that can spruce up any photo. 

Typography tips | Although I love spontaneous Insta stories where you don't have to think about them too much, when I'm on a mission to make them better or I'm trying to put more effort in, typography is the first thing I add. After scouring Pinterest for ideas, I saw a few people doing a similar thing to the first image in this blog post and I just went from there. Here are a few other ways to up your typography game: 
  • Layer text up two or three times. I either use strong or classic to do this, changing the colours has I overlay the text with slight overlap. 
  • Use individual letters in different colours. This is similar to the second image in this blog post. Start by typing out the word, each letter at the time. This works best in classic font. 
  • Make your font multicoloured. This can be done by either highlighting a letter in a word and changing the colour each time or by highlighting the whole word, you can have one finger on the end of the highlighted text moving left/right and the other find on whatever colour gradient you would like. 
  • Layer up two different text fonts. Similar to the first image where I've layered up the strong font with spaces in-between followed by the same word in neon font over the top. 

Design hacks for Instagram | These probably won't come as a surprise to you as you've probably seen this featured on the likes of Pinterest and Tik Tok before, but here are a few examples of design hacks that could make your life more useful and they've come in handy for me several times when I want to spruce up my content. 
  • Swipe up to pick a photograph previously saved on your phone. Tap the 'write' in the top right hand corner. Choose a colour and hold your finger for a couple of seconds until the screen fills with that colour. Select the 'write' button again and press the erase icon on the far right hand side. Swirl or tap to reveal the photograph underneath. 
  • For a light colour overlay over a photograph. Tap the screen as if you're going to write something. Just select a full stop in classic font in the colour you'd like to select. Make the full stop bigger by pinching the screen, pulling your two fingers apart. You can change whether the colour is solid or semi-transparent by selecting the "A" icon on the top left hand side. Move the full stop around until you're happy with it's position, whether it's covering a corner like the last photograph in this blog post or covering the full photograph entirely. 

Do you have any Instagram stories typography or design hacks? 

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