Sunday 13 May 2018

What I've Been Reading, Watching and Doing Lately

April and May have been awash with rain, to a sudden spate of sunshine and then quickly went back to showers, so it hasn't done a lot for my productivity. With puppies to play with, books to read and the sun to make the most I can't complain too much. 

I've continued reading the Court Of Thorns and Roses trilogy, reading over 100 pages at a time and I've made my way through them at a record rate. Honestly, I'm absolutely smitten and although the story at times can be a little cringe, the characters have hooked me in and all I want to do is read more. Luckily her new book is out now and although it's not even 300 pages long, I can't wait to devour it in one sitting. 

As for what I've been up to in-between lots of work, our neighbours have a gorgeous puppy who comes to play every now and again. She's honestly such a dream and I've featured her on my Insta stories before, so you've probably seen her already. On top of that, we've finally booked our biking holiday for this year and we've got together quite a big group of us going so it should be fun, although we've got quite a few events near each other so it'll be a busy July for sure. I've been looking at places to go and activities to do over the next few months, so no doubt you'll see our adventures on the blog or Instagram soon. I also took an unexpectedly week off and it did me wonders; I felt like I had burnt myself out creatively and it was starting to affect my everyday life. Although I'm not 100% yet, I'm getting back into the swing of things and I feel like everything else is settling into place. 

I've found the Great British Bake Off back catalogue on Netflix and I've devoured a couple of series at a worryingly fast rate. It's usually my cosy programme, but I've found that it's really rekindled my love for baking too! Aside from that, we're patiently waiting for Deadpool 2 to come out mid-May, but we went to see the new Avengers film and it was so good. It was the perfect combination of funny, entertaining and sad, so definitely prepare yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions. 

Also on Netflix I've started rewatching Love Island ready for the new series (I'm shamefully excited to have six weeks of my life filled with it!). We're also half way through the series Safe, which is a crime thriller and it's so damn good - so gripping and it's very difficult not to just binge watch the lot in one go. 

What have you been reading, watching and doing lately? 

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