Saturday 8 February 2020

Vegan Jammie Dodgers Recipe

Vegan Jammie Dodgers Recipe
Vegan Jammie Dodgers Recipe
Vegan Jammie Dodgers Recipe
Vegan Jammie Dodgers Recipe
I was wracking my brains with what recipe to rustle up for Valentine's Day and then it came to me - heart shaped Jammie Dodgers! Now who wouldn't want a sweet treat on the day of love. Making the recipe vegan was super easy and they are just as delicious as the shop bought ones, so I just had to share. Of course you can make them whatever shape you want, but making them into hearts just felt right. 

I used my pumpkin spiced biscuit recipe for the main biscuit base, but minus all the spices as I want mine a simple vanilla. I did use ready made raspberry jam as I wanted a seedless option, but if you're a dab hand at making your own jam then I thought they'd make these even more scummy (and the perfect gift too!). 

Ingredients (Makes 8) - 

225g Vegan Margarine 
120g Golden Caster Sugar 
180g Plain Flour 
2 Tsp Vanilla Extract 
Jam for the filling. 
Cookie cutter 

Method - 

Pre-heat the oven to 170 degrees. 

Firstly, I put the vegan margarine and golden caster sugar in a bowl and cream until smooth. 

Add 2tsp vanilla extract. 

Slowly mix the plain flour into the mixture and stir until firm. Tip the dough out onto a flat surface sprinkled with flour to stop from sticking. Use your rolling pin to roll out your dough until 5mm thick. Use your cookie cutter to make 8 shapes. 

With half the biscuits that you have cut with the cookie cutter, make a second hole inside using a smaller cookie cutter. 

On a baking tray lined with parchment paper, move the biscuits onto the tray carefully. Place in oven for 12-15 minutes or until lightly brown. 

Remove from the oven and place on a cooling rack. Once cooled, this is when the assembling starts! Just spoon your jam (I use 1/2tsp) onto a biscuit without a second hole in and place one of the biscuits with a hole in on top. Press down gently and let sit before serving. 


Did you enjoy this Jammie Dodger recipe? Will you be making them at home? 

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