Tuesday 13 August 2019

A Day In The Life of A Blogger

After rekindling my love for watching vlogs on YouTube, especially the ones that are either of their working day or at home chilling out, I thought I would give my take on it myself. I get asked quite a lot about what it's like working from home and being your own motivator, so here I am sharing with you my typical day as a blogger/freelance social media manager when I'm at home on a 'laptop day'. 

8:30am - I start my day at around the same time everyday, getting up at 8am and getting to work half an hour later, Now for many I think the idea of being fully functioning when you've barely opened your eyes seems daunting, but to me, although I'm not an early riser, I do wake up super quickly. I either eat breakfast as I start opening up documents on my laptop and checking social media or I wait until a little later. 

9am - After checking my emails, scouring my Instagram and making sure everything has happened the way it should do with the blog post that I would have published at 8am that day, I promote my post on Pinterest and then settle down to start properly working. A large chunk of my day will be taken out by writing and photographing for my blog, but I actually am a freelance social media manager on the side, dabbling in freelance writing and copywriting as well. To keep on top of everything for the day, I always have to make a to-do list to check off as I go. 

9:30am - This is the time of the day when I start writing up some of the blog post ideas I have in my drafts. Depending on my mood, I can sometimes get a full blog post done in 45 minutes, but other times I have to come back to it a few times before adding links and scheduling a date. 

10:15am - Start my freelance social media job. I work throughout the day on my social media jobs as they require a lot on live posting, but this the chunk of the day I like to schedule posts as much as I can and work on planning future content too. I spend a lot of my time studying analytics and making sure any ADs we have set up are working correctly as well as keeping track of engagement and views. I juggle content creating with social media and video editing too, so this is the time to really crack on with some work. 

11:30am - Run errands. The next step in my routine is usually taking photographs, so in the late morning I like to run my errands. Whether that's picking up new props that are needs for shooting purposes or just popping to the Post Office to post parcels. Getting out at this time often boosts my productivity too as I like to listen to music or a podcast on my quick break too. 

12pm - This is when I like to photograph during the Summer as I find the lighting is just right. During the Autumn and Winter, this time gets earlier as I tend to make sure I'm done photographing by 12pm at the latest whereas in the Summer I'm far more inconsistent when shooting flatlays and beauty content as there's still good lighting up until 5/6pm, but I like to have it done and dusted pretty early on in the day. 
1pm - Lunch time! I'm the worst when it comes to taking an actual lunch break and getting away from my screen, but at the moment I'm trying to give myself 30 minutes to grab lunch from the shop or whip something tasty up in the kitchen. 

1:30pm - Back to my social media job now, where I'm sorting out any freelance writing or social media jobs I have, as well as keeping on top of what's coming in. I answer any calls that need to be taken,  check my emails for both my business and blog then I get back to work. I do a bit more of what I've been doing before, scheduling and posting live updates to the companies I manage on social media as well as keeping up with any updating I have to do for my blog too and finishing off any video editing or content that I have in the pipeline. 

2:30pm - I don't do this everyday, but I like to give myself a chunk of time to check out any latest opportunities whether that be on blogging apps for new work coming in or on People Per Hour/Upwork for freelance purposes. Doing this has helped me earn a lot more and I have gained a lot of experience and new contacts whilst doing so. 

3pm - This is when I get back to writing any blog posts that need to be finished, set a date and scheduled on Twitter - I use Tweetdeck for reference. Putting aside some time to concentrate on any blog posts that need finishing definitely helps me stay inspired as this is my favourite part of the day. 

4:30pm - It's number crunching time. Admittedly I don't do this daily, but I like to go through my finances and invoices making sure that everything is getting paid on time and updating my spreadsheet. This takes longer than you'd expect because as well as prepping your own invoicing, I am emailing and updating all at the same time as the replies come in. I tend to do this once or twice a week depending on how much needs to get paid and if there are any late payments. 

5pm - 6pm - Then I'm slowly finishing up, but this is usually my panic hour as I like to get everything on my do-to list ticked off. During the day, I like to find time to clean up the house and some time to do a workout, so depending on when this can be fitted in, the last hour of my day is dedicated to doing everything I might have forgotten to do. I don't go to many blogging events and on the weekend I shoot a lot of my fashion content for my Instagram, so this time can be used to plan outfits, locations and edit any photographs I have. 

Have you enjoyed this insight into a freelance and social media managers working day? 

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