Wednesday 2 November 2022

Pumpkin Loaf Cake Recipe

Pumpkin loaf cake recipe

Pumpkin loaf cake recipe

If you're trying to get in the Autumn spirit or you're looking for a way to use your pumpkin up, this pumpkin loaf cake is perfect for this cosy season. It's pretty simple, deliciously moist and incredibly moorish. The good thing about this recipe is that you can easily add chocolate chips if you'd like or swap out a spice like cinnamon if you're not particularly fond of it. 

I was actually inspired to do this recipe after I picked up my Autumnal Loaf Pan and seeing as I've got a couple of pumpkins left over after Halloween, I thought it was the perfect time! Making a pumpkin purée is super simple and you can freeze the leftovers and use it to make a pie, curry or soup at a later date. Don't forget to save the seeds for roasting! 

Although this recipe calls for fresh pumpkin to be used, if you're looking to make this out of the Autumn season, then I'm sure that substituting with canned pumpkin would suffice - just remove some of the sugar if yours comes sweetened already. 


230g Plain Flour
1tsp Baking Powder
100ml Vegetable Oil
60g Brown Caster Sugar 
3 Eggs
180g Fresh Pumpkin Purée
1tsp Cinnamon
1sp Ginger
1sp Nutmeg 
Vanilla Extract  

Ready Made Vanilla Icing (or make your own!)


Pre-heat the oven to 200c. Take a small cooking pumpkin, cut the top off and slice in half. Remove the seeds and place on a baking tray and cook until soft for 30 minutes. 

Once cooked, scoop out the pumpkin and blitz with a blender until smooth. If you have excess pumpkin purée to use after this recipe, just freeze in an ice cube tray and use at a later date. 

Pre-heat the oven to 180c and line your loaf cake tin with parchment paper. 

Mix together your brown caster sugar and oil in a bowl. Add half your eggs and then half the pumpkin, alternating between pumpkin purée and an egg each time helps to keep the cake moist. Stir until combined. 

Slowly fold in your flour and baking powder to the the mixture. 

Add your spices and mix. 

Pour your mixture into your loaf cake tin and bake for an hour. 

Leave to cool on a cooling rack and then top using vanilla icing. 


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