Thursday 11 June 2020

A Summer To-Do List

Summer To- Do List
Summer is no doubt going to be a little different this year, but I'm determined to make the most of it nevertheless. We've had a couple of days of rain, which although has made me feel super cosy, it's June and I wouldn't mind having Summer back for a bit longer. That being said, I made a list of things I'd love to do this season when the sunshine comes back. 

Explore Nature | Although I'm sure fruit picking and lavender field frolicking will be off the cards this year, I still want to go out exploring in my local woods as much as I can. We're quite lucky where we live as there's multiple different options including fields of poppy's and wild flowers too, so I'm hoping to go exploring as much as I can on my bike and on foot. 

Get Through My To-Read Pile | I've really gotten back into reading recently, taking time out of my day to sit with a cup of tea and book in hand. Inevitably my wishlist has doubled in size despite having many books on my bookshelf that need reading. I really want to pick up A Song Below Water and My Sister, The Serial Killer because although they're two very different book genres, I think they'll grip me for an afternoon nevertheless. 

Practice Gratitude | I've been actively practicing gratitude for a couple of weeks now and so far just taking 10 to 15 minutes out of my day to reflect has really helped my mood. This Summer will no doubt be more difficult than usual as we obviously can't do the things we usually would, so I'm hoping that yoga, meditating and gratefulness will be part of my daily routine. 

Keep On Baking | I've really turned my hand to baking bread during lockdown and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I've baked scones, loafs, muffins and cakes, but I want to make sure that I keep this up as I find spending time in the kitchen eases anxieties and makes me feel calm. 

Get Crafty | Alongside baking, there's been a couple of crafts I've taken up over the last few months including flower pressing. I've been meaning to transfer the pressed flowers into a hanging gold frames as I think they'd look super pretty on display. I've also been saving lots of DIY ideas on Pinterest including a rainbow plant pot which uses muted shades of polymer clay, a bit of patience and a terracotta pot that needs a refresh. 

What's on your Summer to-do list? 

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