Thursday 20 July 2017

5 Habits I'm Trying To Adopt

After having had a very busy few weeks, I started to look back at the routines I've fallen into, the habits I've developed and the changes I want to make in the future. I've been trying to practice self care more, drink two litres of water a day and make purchases that are more thought out. Here are five other habits I've been trying to adopt recently: 

Vary My Weekly Menu More | I've been feeling impressed with myself on how often I've been trying out new recipes and not sticking to the same meals through the month. I've got soups, stews and curries to try once the weather starts getting colder, but for now, it's all about vegetarian paella and noodle recipes. 

Get A Daily Working Routine Again | I've always been pretty good when it comes to working from home as I get up early, but recently I've slipped into old habits of working well into the evening and running myself into the ground a little. I want to get back into the habit of splitting up my days into categories, including blogging and freelance work, as well as starting my day at 8am and finishing at 5pm. 

At Home Workout | As I previously mentioned, I've been working through all of my breaks and lunches, meaning I've had little time to myself. Although I workout quite a lot after work- usually for two hours at a time, several times a week- I really miss doing a light yoga session in the morning or quick fifteen minute kettlebell routine on my lunch break.

Give Myself A Break | This is a general one, but I think that it probably speaks to a lot of people. As someone who works from home, I usually feel guilty if I want to give myself a few days off or to pencil in watching Harry Potter in the afternoon as not everyone else gets that luxury. I usually do end up working outside of my usual hours (as I have been recently) so I'm really trying to adopt the habit of stopping giving myself a hard time. This also relates to not being able to juggle work life, a social life and house life all the time and letting one slip from time to time. 

Read A Book A Week | I've really fallen off the reading bandwagon at the moment, I seem to be going to bed late meaning I don't have time to spend my usual half an hour flicking through the pages of my current read and at the weekends, I've been prioritising other activities over an afternoon in. I really want to get back into the habitat of getting through a book a week if it's gripping, but genuinely just reading a little bit every day without fail. 

What habits do you want to adopt? 

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